Five Tips To Increase Motivation

It is fair to say that we have all experienced times when we lack motivation. When we feel low, it can be incredibly difficult to motivate ourselves. We may find ourselves feeling bad about ourselves and feeling stuck, which can breed even worse feelings about ourselves due to our lack of motivation.  

However, motivation is the drive to achieve your goals and is critical in developing healthy habits. Additionally, when we stay motivated it can help us become better problem-solvers and help us cope with our personal challenges. While many of us struggle with motivation, it is even more challenging if you have mental health issues.

If you’re looking for ways to help you get out of your funk, here are five tips on how to get and stay motivated! 

Try to break basks into smaller chunks

A big reason why you may lose motivation is that you may feel so overwhelmed by the size of your responsibilities. To help reduce your feelings of stress, try breaking your responsibilities into smaller chunks. By breaking your responsibilities into smaller and more manageable chunks, it can help you track your progress, manage your thoughts, and focus on completing each task one step at a time. When you focus on each chunk, it can help you stay present in what you are doing at that moment. Before you know it, you will be celebrating your success since you completed your large and daunting tasks! 

Find a support system to help you stay on track

If you are someone who isolates when you feel low and unmotivated, the thought alone of engaging with others can feel exhausting. However, when you spend time with loved ones, it can be helpful in your journey to staying motivated by providing encouragement, perspective, and accountability. When you are around others who understand your journey and challenges, you can feel more supported and make completing your tasks more manageable. When you need encouragement, try reaching out to a friend to help boost your motivation when you're feeling low. Support can make all the difference in your personal journey! 

Get active 

Exercise has been proven to not only be beneficial for our physical health but for our mental health, as well. Getting active can help create structure in our day, which in turn helps us stay motivated and focused on the tasks before us. Being active can also relieve stress, boost our mood, and help make it easier to focus due to the increase in the production of endorphins. Endorphins help produce positive feelings and keep us motivated. In order to be active, you don't need expensive gym memberships or equipment. Try implementing small changes that are sustainable, like taking a walk, dancing, or stretching! 

Make time for yourself 

It can be discouraging when it feels like there is always something to do with little or no breaks for yourself. You may find yourself in an endless cycle of spending time doing things you need to do, but refraining from participating in the activities you want to do. It is essential that you plan something fun, relaxing, and engaging in your life to create a more balanced life. Try to incorporate things you enjoy doing like listening to music, taking a relaxing bath, or cooking your favorite meal. By creating space to participate in activities you enjoy you are better supporting your mental health, which can influence your overall motivation. 

Acknowledge your progress and praise yourself for it

Try to set time to acknowledge the progress and efforts that you have made. When you take a moment to acknowledge how far you have come, it can increase your self-image and increase your belief that you are capable of getting things done. You might notice that you feel even more motivated to stay focused on your goals and responsibilities! Practicing mindfulness can also help you focus and appreciate the big and small things you do, such as getting out of bed or completing a school project. By remaining present and in the moment, it can help you focus on what is happening in front of you, which may help when experiencing a lack of motivation. Try to take the time to acknowledge your efforts by taking yourself out to eat or going for a walk in a scenic park! 

It’s normal to feel frustrated in your journey to maintain motivation. There may be times when you feel defeated. But don't give up! In those moments, it’s important to remind yourself of your purpose. It may be difficult, but it will be worth it in the end.

Written by: Jordan Adane, Candidate for Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling


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