Spring Activities to Improve Your Mental Health

Maintaining your mental health in the dreary winter months can be difficult. But lucky for you, the sun has been shining and the trees are beginning to blossom. Spring is finally on its way! Say goodbye to the cold, long nights, and say hello to the sunny long days! 

Since springtime is here, it's important to take advantage of this change of seasons. Spring is a season of rebirth and renewal. Find ways to rejuvenate your spirit and mind by reconnecting with nature. Here are some activities that can help boost your mental health this spring. These activities can be done with your family, friends or by yourself! 


Gardening is a great way to boost your mental health by feeling more connected to the earth and yourself.  Gardening allows you to release endorphins while using your hands in the dirt and allows you to practice mindfulness by being present and focused on what is in front of you. Gardening can provide you and your family something tangible that you can see progress over time. It can be therapeutic to witness a plant come to total health due to your efforts to nurture it. Try using your yard or create a container garden to plant and grow the flowers, fruits, or vegetables that you and your family chose, and watch them come into full bloom. 

Take a Walk or Hike 

One of the best parts of spring is that beautiful flowers begin to bloom again and it feels like the earth is slowly coming back to life. This can be a great opportunity to take a walk, soak up some Vitamin D, and increase your serotonin levels. If you or your family are seeking to increase your activity levels, try hiking. Hiking is a great way to stretch your body and mind to see what your body is really capable of. Find your closest trail, reserves, or even your neighborhood to get your body moving in the sun.

Spring Clean Declutter 

Spring cleaning is a common ritual that many individuals carry out in their homes during this time of year. But did you know that it can be a powerful tool to boost your mental health? If the idea of completing a deep clean feels like a daunting task, try to focus on one small area at a time, whether cleaning out your kitchen pantry or throwing away items from your junk drawer. Deep cleaning and organizing can help you and your family feel more in control of your environment and help you feel more productive. It can also improve your mood and increase your focus by reducing your depression and anxiety. So find something that motivates you and start small.

Create Something  

Creating something new can help give you and your family purpose and allow you an opportunity to practice mindfulness. As you create something, you will find your stress melting away since you are focusing your energy and attention on the act of creating. You may not be an artist, but creating your own piece of art can serve as a way to express yourself through that art piece. You can try out painting, coloring, sculpting, music, or writing to explore deeper parts of yourself. 

Visit a Park 

Try visiting a park or farmers market to help boost your mental health. Spending time and connecting with nature can further help you with mindfulness as you examine flowers, trees, leaves, or insects. Also, spending time outdoors can help reduce stress levels, improve moods, and increase creativity and problem-solving. There are endless possibilities of ways to connect with yourself through nature. Next time you step outside, try to go to the park and read a book or paint a picture of the cherry blossoms trees!

There are a variety of ways to enjoy this upcoming spring season while improving your mental health. When you notice a change in your mood, try to take advantage of the beautiful spring weather and use one of these activities to boost your mood and overall well-being.

Written by Jordan Adane, Candidate for Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling


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